Theater West End
She Loves Me Auditions
Submission Form
Personal Information
Headshot (Required)
Resume (Required)
Video (Required)
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Please submit a video consisting of 32 bars of a musical selection in the style of the show.


Performers must be fully vaccinated, available for all performances and tech rehearsals.

Submission Deadline: September 17th.


The roles of Amalia Balash and Zoltan Maraczek have been cast, and will be played by Kellie Rhianne and Michael Mormon, respectively. All other roles are available, and receive stipend pay.

Arpad Laszlo-Courier at Maraczek's Parfumerie. Exuberance is infectious and commitment to the job remarkable. Ambitious and adorable. (All ethnicities encouraged to submit)
Age: 14 to 17
Vocal range top: E4
Vocal range bottom: Bb2

Ladislav Sipos-Not the brightest employee at Maraczek's Parfumerie. A confidant to Georg, an optimistic family person who looks huggable. (All ethnicities encouraged to submit)
Age: 45 to 55
Vocal range top: E4
Vocal range bottom: A2

Ilona Ritter-Employed at Maraczek's Parfumerie. Sexy and learned in the ways of romance, but longing for something more from the game of love. (All ethnicities encouraged to submit)
Age: 25 to 30
Vocal range top: E5
Vocal range bottom: F#3

Steven Kodaly-A well respected and liked employee at Maraczek's Parfumerie. Though considered dapper and occasionally charming, more of a shallow heartbreaker. (All ethnicities encouraged to submit)
Age: 25 to 30
Vocal range top: A4
Vocal range bottom: B2

Georg Nowack-An established employee of Maraczek's Parfumerie, resembles a hopeless romantic. Shy, intelligent, and soft spoken. Capable and entirely endearing. (All ethnicities encouraged to submit)
Age: 25 to 30
Vocal range top: F4
Vocal range bottom: B2

Ensemble-A small but strong ensemble cast playing a range of memorable characters of all ages, including a highly secretive Private Investigator, holiday shoppers (both early and last minute), carolers, romance-obsessed restaurant waitstaff and lovelorn couples.


For inquiries, please contact:

Derek Critzer

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