(1) Headshot (1) Resume (1) Performance Material Video (see Guidelines for more info)
Any submission received after 11:59 pm on June 14 will not be considered.
Based on your preferred skill set please submit a self-taped recording of the following:
ACTORS/SINGERS (MUSICAL THEATRE): 32 bar cut of a song and/or a 1 minute monologue
ACTORS (NON MUSICAL/TV/FILM): 1 minute monologue (contemporary, classic, or Shakespearean) or scene
DANCERS: 45 second dance combo in any style and/or Dance Reel.
*Musical pieces should be accompanied by piano, either live or piano-only track, or an MP3 accompaniment track.
NOTE: When sharing a performance reel link IN ADDITION to your self-tape material link please use the “Performance Reel Link” tab for your reel link and the “Video” tab for your self-tape link.
ALL performance material (reels included) should be YouTube or Vimeo links, YouTube preferred. (For your privacy upload self-tape material videos as “unlisted”)