Theater West End
The Rocky Horror Show
Submission Form
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Headshot (Required)
Resume (Required)
Video (Required)
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Please submit between 32-64 bars of a rock and roll style song not from the show. This does not need to be from the musical theater realm. We are looking for large voices from performers who aren't afraid to make distinct choices and take risks. it is our intention to really lean into the pop/rock style of this show.

Please submit a headshot and resume as well as an accurate representation of conflicts.

Submissions are due by Wednesday April 24 @ 11:59 PM


Submissions are due by Wednesday April 24 @ 11:59 PM


Available roles- All roles receive stipend pay and tip share.

Please note that all gender identities, races, and body types are encouraged to audition for all roles, however it is our intention to cast a non-binary or trans performer in the role of Frank.

USHERETTE/MAGENTA: (Range: Mezzo Soprano Belt, Bb3-Eb5)
One of Frank’s servants.

BRAD:26-35 (Range: Bari Tenor, Bb2-G4)
Quirky, but very much in love with his fiancé, Janet. Overly optimistic at times.

JANET: 26-35 (Range: Mezzo Soprano Belt, A3-Eb5)
Good girl who is madly in love with Brad. Always seems to be frightened of something. Keeps losing more of her clothes throughout the story. Emotionally weak and caves into pressure easily.


RIFF RAFF: 25-40 (Range: High Rock Tenor, D3-B4)
Often makes harmless conversation seem awkward and foreboding. One of Frank’s servants.

COLUMBIA:Age Flexible (Range: Mezzo Soprano Belt, E4-E5)
One of Frank’s servants.

FRANK 'N' FURTER: Non Binary/Trans - 30-45 (Range: Baritone, D3-G4)
Master of the castle. Welcomes Janet and Brad with open arms. Obsessed with creating a man to be part of his sexual entourage. Master of seduction.

ROCKY: 18-30 (Range: Tenor, A3-G4)
Frank’s magnificent creation. Sexually appealing with prominent muscles.

EDDIE/DR. SCOTT: 28-40 (Range: Baritone, E3-F#4)
Eddie, delivery man, “went to pieces.” Misses the rock and role of life. Comes back to life only to die after his solo. Scott is Eddie’s Uncle.

Various Singers.


For inquiries, please contact:

Derek Critzer

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